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A drill on torso twisting and shooting CT to GIT GUD at MWO!!!
MWO - Torso twisting team kill
Torso twisting
Why knowing how to torso twist is important in MWO
MWO Mining Collective Tactics and Torso Twist Showcase (CP-S Lbx10)
Training Night: Torso Twisting and Mech Movement Revisited
Training Night: Crits, Torso Twisting, and the 12 Flamer Nova!
MWO, Constant-torso-twist glitch
MWO - Do the twist
MW5 Gameplay Demo Except Every Time Russ Torso Twists It Gets Faster
MWO: Blackjack BJ-2 poking and brawling with ERLLs and SRMs
MWO sensitivity